7 Tips for Practicing Proper Hand Hygiene

In this day and age, practicing proper hand hygiene has never been more important. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, taking care of our hands and ensuring that we keep them clean and sanitized is crucial to prevent the spread of harmful germs and viruses. But what exactly does proper hand hygiene entail? Here are seven tips that can help you keep your hands clean and healthy. From washing your hands regularly with soap and water to using hand sanitizers and avoiding touching your face, these simple tips can make a big difference in maintaining good hand hygiene. So if you want to keep yourself and those around you safe and healthy, read on to learn more about how you can practice proper hand hygiene today.

Hand Washing

Why is hand hygiene important?

Proper hand hygiene is essential for maintaining good health and preventing the spread of harmful germs and viruses. When we touch surfaces and objects, our hands can pick up bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens that can cause illness and disease. If we don't wash our hands regularly and properly, these germs can spread to other surfaces and people, increasing the risk of infection. This is especially important during the current COVID-19 pandemic, as the virus can be transmitted through respiratory droplets as well as by touching contaminated surfaces and objects.

When to practice hand hygiene

It's important to practice hand hygiene regularly, not just when you're sick or around someone who is ill. You should wash your hands before and after eating, after using the bathroom, after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing, after touching animals or animal waste, and after handling garbage. Additionally, you should wash your hands before and after caring for someone who is sick and before and after treating a cut or wound.

7 tips for proper hand hygiene

1. Wash your hands regularly: Washing your hands with soap and water is the most effective way to remove germs and bacteria from your hands. Wet your hands with clean, running water, apply soap, and lather your hands for at least 20 seconds. Rinse your hands thoroughly and dry them with a clean towel or air dryer.

2. Use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available: Hand sanitizer is a great alternative when soap and water are not available. Look for a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol and apply it to the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together until the sanitizer is dry.

3. Avoid touching your face: Touching your face with dirty hands can introduce germs and bacteria into your body, increasing the risk of infection. Try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands.

4. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.

5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces: Germs and bacteria can live on surfaces for hours or even days. It's important to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

6. Wear gloves when necessary: Gloves can provide an extra layer of protection when handling potentially contaminated objects or substances. Be sure to dispose of gloves properly and wash your hands after removing them.

7. Stay home when you're sick: If you're feeling sick, stay home to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria to others.

Common mistakes to avoid

There are some common mistakes that people make when it comes to hand hygiene. One of the biggest mistakes is not washing your hands properly. Be sure to lather your hands for at least 20 seconds and rinse them thoroughly with clean, running water. Another mistake is using hand sanitizer on dirty hands. Hand sanitizer is not effective on dirty or greasy hands, so be sure to wash your hands with soap and water first. Finally, some people forget to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, which can lead to the spread of germs and bacteria.

The science behind proper hand hygiene

Proper hand hygiene is based on the science of microbiology, which studies microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they can cause illness and disease if they enter the body. Washing your hands with soap and water removes germs and bacteria from your hands, while hand sanitizer kills germs and bacteria on your hands. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends washing your hands with soap and water whenever possible and using hand sanitizer as a backup when soap and water are not available.

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Benefits of practicing proper hand hygiene

Practicing proper hand hygiene has many benefits. It can prevent the spread of illness and disease, reduce the risk of infection, and keep you and those around you healthy. It can also help to reduce the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and viruses, which are becoming more common and difficult to treat. Additionally, practicing proper hand hygiene can help to reduce healthcare costs by preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

Hand hygiene products to use

There are many hand hygiene products available on the market, including soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes. When choosing a hand hygiene product, look for one that is effective against a wide range of germs and bacteria, contains at least 60% alcohol (for hand sanitizer), and is gentle on your skin. Avoid products that contain triclosan or triclocarban, as these ingredients can contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Hand hygiene at work and in public places

Hand hygiene is important not only at home but also in public places and at work. Many workplaces and public places provide hand sanitizer or handwashing stations for employees and visitors. Be sure to take advantage of these resources and practice proper hand hygiene whenever possible. Additionally, it's important to avoid touching your face, especially in public places, as this can introduce germs and bacteria into your body.


Proper hand hygiene is essential for maintaining good health and preventing the spread of harmful germs and bacteria. By washing your hands regularly with soap and water, using hand sanitizer, avoiding touching your face, and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, you can help to keep yourself and those around you healthy. Remember to stay home when you're sick, wear gloves when necessary, and choose hand hygiene products that are effective and gentle on your skin. By practicing proper hand hygiene, you can help to prevent the spread of illness and disease and keep yourself and your community safe and healthy.